Author Topic: injuries youve had  (Read 2991 times)

I fell off my skis and crashed with a big brooze that was bleeding. cut my finger with broken glass and finally accidentally cut though my fingernail

I fell on a tree and got a really nasty scar
The skin was punctured but there was zero bleeding and no other injuries, it was super weird
Pretty painful too.
a tree fell on me and i got a really nasty scar
the skin was punctured and it bled like a mother forgeter yet i didn't need stitches, it was super weird
hardly painful at all.

no, i'm not mocking you, i'm serious.
i worded it that way because your injury was coincidentally exactly the opposite.

whenever i went ice skating i didnt know how to stop correctly. i would always slam into the wall to stop. so then one day i went ice skating and i was a little taller than the wall. i slammed into it to stop and split my lip.

it didnt even hurt that bad but when i touched my lips and then i looked at my hands there was blood on them and i started freaking out

Not a major injury but today I was marching in a buddy walk with a color guard for the Civil Air Patrol. I was a flag bearer and a cadet was in front of me with the American flag. We went over a lot of brush, so naturally the guys with the flags got them stuck by accident. He got his loose and the branch when directly into my face. Like whip action. Now I have scratches on my left side of my face and left ear. If I wasn't wearing a hat I would have really hurt my eye...

I've only chipped my tooth slightly, it's not very visible.

I've only chipped my tooth slightly, it's not very visible.
one of my baby teeth snapped in half

one time i managed to crack off part of my tooth accidentally

then another part of that same tooth practically shattered

then i had to get it removed

one of my baby teeth snapped in half
but those fall out

It was one of my 2 front adult teeth ;-;

i cut my snake masturbating with a tuna jar once  :cookieMonster:

I hurt my palm a bit while firing a gun today. Does this count as an injury? I tried to vault over a waist high brick wall like in an action movie but ended up landing on my shoulder and scraping my shin on the top corner of the wall real bad. Shoulder was fine though.