Author Topic: Thanksgiving // Christmas Giveaway 2013!!!  (Read 8600 times)

man, everyone in that picture looks like a stuff lol

You know he's classy because he has a $10 handle of vodka. I hope that one day I can be as cool as he is.

Got me the first time around

i think i should win because i work very hard at my job but i dont get to spend any of the money on things i really want because i have to buy gas and food for myself. My parents are even making me pay for my internet now. and since im only 17 i can only make minimum wage at my job so i really have no spending money. my current pc is starting to have problems that may be related to a graphics card dying and i really dont want that to happen because right now video games are all i really enjoy to do. thanks for considering me

Not sure if this is still even a thing anymore but if it is, I think I should get one of the lower place prizes so that I may use it to buy christmas gifts for family because I really don't have any money right now since I'm spending it all on a car. I'd really like to buy my nephew some steam games so we can spend more time together online. I'd even prove that I spent it all on others by showing the receipts or logs depending on what/how it's purchased.

Also I'm pretty sure we both live in Illinois which makes us like.. state brothers.

give it to me because forget you thats why.

I believe I should win this competition because I am a good member of the blockland community. Not only that but I also am a good person in real life, as you may know, I have just been to Africa for the past few months, working my ass off every single day for nothing in return. I was slaved away, sleeping on a hard floor, eating tasteless mush and working with no health and safety (example: our food was kept next to the termite killer preservative) and after my service to the African country of Malawi, I didn't even get a mere "thank you"
I am not the Furdle you read about online.
Oh and yes, I am over 16, I am 18.

No edit: to top it off, I can't find a job so I cannot afford Christmas presents for my family :/

this thread is worse than those begging threads on 4chan.

beachbum isn't going to give anyone anything

it wouldn't make me surprised if he did give out the prizes. we do know that his parents are wealthy and i wouldn't put buying friends past someone who historically is one of the great turds of this community