Author Topic: Making a build just 1 brick  (Read 705 times)

Say I made a crate, or a tree. How would I turn the crate that was made out of different blocks just 1 block?
So then it would look as if it was 5 or 6 blocks, but it was actually only 1 block, and you could hammer it any-
where, and the whole thing would break? (I know this is possible to do because one time I looked inside the
brick inventory on some server and placed a brick called "crate" which looked like a bunch of bricks when I placed
it, but when I hit it just once it all broke.) If you're wondering why I put this in coding help, it seemed to me to
be the most appropriate place.

If none of you are not understanding what I am trying to say, I would be happy to use pictures to help explain more.


I know this is possible to do because one time I looked inside the brick inventory on some server and placed a brick called "crate" which looked like a bunch of bricks when I placed it, but when I hit it just once it all broke.

Was this my server? Because that was done by, well, making the crate be a single brick in the same way that a ramp or L-corner is.

Was this my server? Because that was done by, well, making the crate be a single brick in the same way that a ramp or L-corner is.
It probably was.
And ramp or L-corner? Does this mean I need to go into modeling?

And ramp or L-corner? Does this mean I need to go into modeling?

I can't model; I usually manipulate the brick files by hand. (inb4 dozens of people flaming me for manipulating brick files directly)

Also the crate is going to be part of a gamemode I'm working on, which is why it appeared to shatter into multiple bricks when shot, even though it's really only one brick.

I can't model; I usually manipulate the brick files by hand. (inb4 dozens of people flaming me for manipulating brick files directly)

Also the crate is going to be part of a gamemode I'm working on, which is why it appeared to shatter into multiple bricks when shot, even though it's really only one brick.
haha, so do you think if right now I tried to do what you did, I would be able to do it?

I think that you're physically capable of typing the same keys that I did in the same order that I did, yes.

Whether you would know why I typed the keys that way and thus actually do so I don't know; I don't actually know how good you are with coding/the .blb format.

I think that you're physically capable of typing the same keys that I did in the same order that I did, yes.

Whether you would know why I typed the keys that way and thus actually do so I don't know; I don't actually know how good you are with coding/the .blb format.
Well I just tried looking through some of the .blb formats, and I do have a clue on how
it would be done. What I don't understand is how you made it so that it was built to where
it made an actual shape, and the color too.

he probably used an external method to convert from blb to a static shape or something

he probably used an external method to convert from blb to a static shape or something, WTF. Who even does that, other than MARBLE MAN?