Author Topic: Making Object Ignore Lighting?  (Read 904 times)

I was wondering if anyone has thus far found a way to make an object not get affected by the lighting of the map and just always be fully lit whether by code or texture. I notice the jeeps headlights kinda glow but when shaders are applied they are as black as everything else in the dark. If there would be a way to make a light or something that always was visible that would be fantastic.
My searches on torque doesn't pull up anything and the BL forums search function is broken as crap so this is just a shout out asking if anyone has fixed this problem yet?


Because people dont use words that are easily searchable.

I am just having an off day, that was unrelated, sorry for the double post: unlocked.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 02:15:21 PM by Ladios »

You need to mark surfaces as glowing. I'm not sure how this is done in modelling programs, but in the engine, a large normal (length > 1) means glowing.

Well unfortunately that doesnt make sense as there is no way to change the normal of the surface manually in the model. The engine calculates the normal based on the vertecies of the triangle. Your suggestion did help though as now with reversing the verticies it effectively turns my model insideout. As this is just used for a glowy thing anyways though you cant notice it, and it lights itself if I add a lightsource in the object so it works for what I need but is not a solution to what others may want.

Aaaaand now I found the right way.
In the export settings of MS3D using advanced export you have to go in and manually edit each material and set its lighting rendering. Thats ok thanks for the advice then.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 05:09:35 PM by Ladios »

Yep, check Self-Illuminating and PRESTO, you're good to go.

Anyone know how to get a spin animation to loop? Checking loop doesn't work of course. :/
Animation labeled as activate would play once and that's it. Anything labeled as maintain doesn't loop even though that is how the rocket projectile does it.

So i created two animations that overlap named both "activate" and "maintain" and removed the number from the name in the joint. I don't know why but the combination of these changes seems to have fixed it.

added quotes for clarity.
And they do have to be on cyclic yes
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 02:02:34 AM by Ladios »

When exporting, be sure to define the animations as cyclic.  Add them using the "Add" button when exporting.

This may no longer be applicable.  Also, what version of Milkshape are you using?

Yes I know thats how its usually done, but projectiles offer no way to call animation and therby use very arbitrary name triggers that didn't work until I set it to what I mentioned above.

even though that is how the rocket projectile does it.

Are you sure? I recall seeing code in the rocket projectile definition determining how it should spin. .. or not, huh.