Author Topic: Independence Day 2 confirmed and will start production in 2015.  (Read 1115 times)

Independence Day 2 has been finally confirmed!

it will probably be released on June/26/2016

you can google it for yourself if you want citations or debates. Discuss and get hyped.


Hopefully this time the aliens might actually put up a fight instead of blowing up because one bi-plane hit their weapon of mass destruction.

Hopefully this time the aliens might actually put up a fight instead of blowing up because one bi-plane hit their weapon of mass destruction.

I think it was an F-18 instead of a bi-plane but yah

Your right, I just got done playing war thunder, but yeah still that made no sense.



that movie was awesome

Frozen 2:
"why do they have to ruin a good moviee
eww no kill me"

Independence Day 2:
"aw HELLZ yes
that movie was forgetin awesome WOO"

(to be fair, I have the same opinions lol)

