Author Topic: -Take a TinyURL and add something random-  (Read 1017 times)


Found this quite fun actually

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 10:34:59 PM by Couatl »

"I can't believe I even have to say this but do not post Rick-Roll, Duck-Roll, screamers, browser crashes, pop-up spam or any other kind of god damn trap links."

"I can't believe I even have to say this but do not post Rick-Roll, Duck-Roll, screamers, browser crashes, pop-up spam or any other kind of god damn trap links."
yeah i was gonna say this
anywho if it wasn't intentional sure is a large coincidence

yeah i was gonna say this
anywho if it wasn't intentional sure is a large coincidence
wasn't intentional, i'll replace it with something that I know isn't

This is a really bad idea. The amount of spambots that use tinyurl to conceal trap/phishing/malware links makes the chances of getting forgeted over way higher than I would, or anyone with sense should be willing to risk.