Author Topic: [Brick] Ceiling Fan , [Brick] Bulbs [UPDATED] Added another 1 brick!  (Read 10385 times)

guys master is a cigarette he banned me from Daniel.S' server just cause I said no on his post. WOW. ragemuch?
I think Daniel should ban him perma and unadmin him
I dont think so get out my topic also i dont want see you again ever
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 06:31:47 PM by master king deaddude »

guys master is a cigarette he banned me from Daniel.S' server just cause I said no on his post. WOW. ragemuch?
I think Daniel should ban him perma and unadmin him
kill yourself

Hey I love the fan, but how can I make the fan keep going instead of having to just click to make it move. And what I mean is how I can I make it go automatic. Plz helpz

Hey I love the fan, but how can I make the fan keep going instead of having to just click to make it move. And what I mean is how I can I make it go automatic. Plz helpz

Simple events, works perfectly.

Handy to know that.

OT: Oh so thats what fireRelay is for! Didnt realize it fired it to itself.
And whats that event addon you have?

guys I'm a cigarette who should shut up omg I banned myself and nun of you know what minecrap is hahahuehue I'm
Mr. Hue too!lollololol
wanna fight

fixed too

omg very much yes 1900238940283409894/1

Now that I look at it, the ceiling fan is kind of messy. Looks like you beveled it and didn't clean anything up. Try connecting some of the faces at the ends.

Why does the fan actually turn in the gif but just toggle in game?