Author Topic: I Can't Change My Profile Picture!  (Read 910 times)

I really need to change it!
Why you may ask?
Look at it. It's me when I was a little kid and I last used this forum.

I went to edit my profile, then found the page that allows me to edit the picture. I did so, and it said that I did; but it didn't work.

This post doesn't need to be very long, I just need instruction on changing it and why the heck it won't let me!

(That weird pose in the picture was suggested by my dad, which I now look back on and wish I had said no.) the 1,000+ topics like this...make sure it's 75x75 or smaller and not too big of a file. Or, just don't post at all!

I really need to change it!
Why you may ask?
Look at it. It's me when I was a little kid and I last used this forum.

I went to edit my profile, then found the page that allows me to edit the picture. I did so, and it said that I did; but it didn't work.

This post doesn't need to be very long, I just need instruction on changing it and why the heck it won't let me!

(That weird pose in the picture was suggested by my dad, which I now look back on and wish I had said no.)
First go to profile
then go to
after that Btw click the things i circled

This was not needed.
Joke, it was a joke. But yeah OP just do what we said and tell us if it worked

First go to profile
then go to
after that Btw click the things i circled
i try this too but it stays this sucky ninja picture

The picture's max res is 75x75 last time I checked. Any bigger and it wont change it.

The picture's max res is 75x75 last time I checked. Any bigger and it wont change it.
ok, worked i did it before but i guess i forgot to save it?

try pressing ctrl  f5
this has helped me in the past when it acts up

I STILL can't change it. Here's what I did: (Look at the time on the lower right so you see that I didn't repeat the first screenshot; The image itself is 74x74 not 75x75 and is 2.2kb in size.)

Use bitmaps and 5kb or lower.