Author Topic: GBA4iOS 2.0 - Wow, a jailbreak free emulator  (Read 2671 times)


GBA4iOS was originally a GBA emulator that did not require a jailbreak to use (1.6.2). However, it's back, and a whole lot better, for iOS 7.
Features include:
iOS 7 Layout
iPad Support
GBC Support
iOS 7 Controller Support
Event Distribution
Dropbox Sync
Custom Skins (for controller, portrait and landscape)
Sustain Button

It also has other things like a vibration for button presses, AirPlay second screen use, ability to use music/external audio, and frame skip.

How to install:
Visit on your iPhone.
iOS 7 users: Download 2.0.1.
iOS 6 and under users: Download 1.6.2.
It will ask you if a site can download GBA4iOS. Say yes/click install.
Once it finishes downloading or installing, DO NOT LAUNCH THE APP. Go into your system settings, general, and date and time. Disable automatic date & time and set the date before Feburary 19th.
You can launch the app, and if performed correctly, it'll launch. To add ROMs, click the plus sign. Settings are also available for changing with the gear.
You can set your date and time back (automatic), however if you reboot your device or it restarts, you'll have to set the date and time back to before Feburary 19th and do it again. Your ROMs and everything else will stay though.

So yeah, it's a really good emulator, devs are great. Like I said, I don't support piracy. I'm only talking about a emulator/emulation, not piracy.

Technically downloading a rom itself is piracy. You have to rip it yourself or you are downloading someone elses copy.

We all know you are talking about piracy. Don't try to skirt the rules by stating nonstop you are not.

Technically downloaded a rom itself is piracy. You have to rip it yourself or you are downloading someone elses copy.

Yeah, but there's another warning in the emulator itself saying it doesn't support piracy, and you have to own the game or rip it first. Which I do.

quickedit: And I'm not trying to bypass the rules, and this is just talking about a emulator.

Also i wish 2.0 was available for non ios7 apple devices. I find this buggy though. My screen is always rotated the wrong way on the old version.

owning the game doesn't make it legal. but I'm pretty sure badspot doesn't even care whether you own it or not

also, why the date thing?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 04:22:12 PM by Night Fox »

I just discovered what event distribution is.

In certain games, developers (or other people) can distribute things to other games, for example: this.

Cool I guess.

owning the game doesn't make it legal. but I'm pretty sure badspot doesn't even care whether you own it or not

also, why the date thing?

if I get banned I'll have learned my lesson

also, the date probably means apple blocked it after a update or something via the date. I guess if you change it it'll bypass it.

emulation is not against the rules
not sure how far that extends to emulating games you don't own, however.

emulation is not against the rules
not sure how far that extends to emulating games you don't own, however.

again, i'm not saying you should do that.

What auzman said. Emulation is okay. Hell, roms are not piracy as long as you have physical proof of you having them.
I have a ps2 emulator. My ps2 broke, so I extracted my game bios and now I can play copies of my games on my pc.
There for, I did not "pirate" a game ect. That's usually how it works. Then again the FBI couldn't give two stuffs now these days.

What auzman said. Emulation is okay. Hell, roms are not piracy as long as you have physical proof of you having them.
no, it's still piracy, the only way it isn't is if you personally get the ROM off your copy of the game

Is there an almost identical version for android?

I'm pretty sure as long as you own the game, it's okay to play a ROM of it.