Author Topic: Firearm requests  (Read 557 times)

So yesterday i went and dug around in the forums for maybe some cool weapon packs, ones that i already didn't have.... aaaaaaand found nothing. however i stumbled across many weapon packs that were in progress, but weren't finished due to over criticism, or laziness. In my humble opinion, we need either more, or the return of our firearm add-on makers. Now, before you comment, telling me to try them, here are the weapons i have found AND used in the past, and my opinion on them:

Blockombat: Over all great, the bullet sounds add a very well made mental suppression effect, however i could use an accuracy and range boost for all weapons.

T+T: there alright, definitely like the block o feel, these weapons are also dummy proof, however there just not for my type of TDM.

TS pack (NEKram's stuffty weapon pack): probably everyone's favorite at my server, NICE models, i like the custom bullet and casing models, however it could use more ambient sounds to the guns like reload sounds bullet fly by sounds etc, the preset sounds were really soft, so i exported BF 3 sounds in them, they work really good

Modern weapons pack: the guns are stuffty, the only thing i like about them is there's reload animations, however the truck load of equipment it comes with is awesome.

Hells&Khain: these weapons were definitely not for my TDMs, as much as i liked them there range sucked, and the whole ray-cast system they used wasn't cool, over all use these for COD TDMs.

So where is all our gun builders?

BTW i would be glad to help with sounds, i am a whiz with Audacity.

Anyways, we need more guns!  Comment to tell me what you think or if you are working on  pack and need help with sounds!

NEkram did release some models of guns he made that are pretty much the same style as the ones he used for the pack, someone needs to package them and stuff IIRC. I'm pretty sure there is also some models in the pack itself that aren't used by anything (only small edits though such as a "golden" AK47).

Did you try the Quake-like weapons? You commented a lot on how they're not your type of TDM. If you like big guns that shoot big things but are still balanced, try them. They're very strong, so download the enrgy shields too so players don't get rekt.

So the overall issue with guns in Blockland is this:

There are many great modelers that make many great guns

There are many great scripters that make many great scripts

However, scripting a gun is too mundane for most good scripters and scripting a gun is out of reach of most modelers.

so maby find people to make a team?