Author Topic: debris data::load:  (Read 1061 times)

When ever i start up my game it always says somthing like debris data::load: couldn't load file...

its said gun shell.dts and missile.dts and jeep tire.dts.....

help me! i cant get on and i've reinstalled and moves all the files and deleted stuff, i've tried every thing but nothing working!

 :panda:  :cookieMonster:  :cookie:

download the things that it says that it cant load

ive put intoalmost evry file i can find that is a suspect? is that right?
its realy anoying me, i cant do any thing all i can do is go on other servers and get pushed around!

You've clearly deleted, or moved, the .dts files from the directory they need to be in. It also sounds like you moved the needed files to another directory. I would suggest replacing those files in the correct directory, or it isn't going to work.

thx works like an angle,... if there were shuch things. cookie monster better liik away now!  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: x 1000000000000000billion! now i can play!