Author Topic: What the hell did I do?  (Read 1383 times)

I joined yawa200's server, and only said "Hello, everybody".
This is what he did immediately after.

What the hell did I do to get banned right when I joined that server?

yawa200 also permabanned me.

'yawa200's family rp'

I find it hilarious how this community uses autism like it's an insult. Especially since most of the forum is legitimately autistic.

This probably has something to do with this topic.

Family Rp ehh? That figures why

yawa200 also permabanned me.

I do being on Crispy's SpeedKart making jokes about you have autism, but that still doesn't justify his ban on a different server.

Why do you even go on family RPs brickitect

i go on family rps all the time

Why do you even go on family RPs brickitect
Mainly to see the damage.
Also because the majority of my friends do, so I try to find them at these servers every once and a while and just hang out.

Why do you even go on family RPs brickitect
its a good place to build houses too