Author Topic: The Box  (Read 459 times)


So, we finished up the first round of DMC speeches (a philosophy subject that covers design), and after one person gave a speech comparing Coca-Cola's ethical position and a certain Green Peace campaign, I gave an apparently good speech about how I felt games should and will in some part replace the current stuffty education system. Then a "friend" got up and started to give his speech about...PC vs Console.

Nevermind that this is a university level philosophy subject.

Anyways, since we were encouraged to debate after every speech, a lot of the class (mostly me) jumped at his (poorly constructed) arguments which continued on way after we left class. At one point he went ahead and called me out for apparently "living in a box". I think that's loving hilarious.

As far as I can figure, I think he believes that because he barely shows up for classes and doesn't pay an ounce of respect to the ones he does turn up to, and since he frequently goes out getting boozed/blazed up while probably getting laid by some floozy, he suddenly knows what life is really like, and because I study hard, have a girlfriend who I'm committed to, go out to clubs and don't act like a loving walrus being tazered that I'm suddenly a loving couped up moron.

I cannot comprehend why somebody would pay $55,000 to go to a course and then act like it's a big waste of time.

Anyway, rant over. Any of you had to deal with richardheads who believe they know more about life than you?

I'm not even sure what to say.
There's a lot wrong here.

Idiots almost always think they're right. That's just a thing.

Arguing with an idiot doesn't do anything except make them think they're right-er.

Idiots almost always think they're right. That's just a thing.

Arguing with an idiot doesn't do anything except make them think they're right-er.


Idiots almost always think they're right. That's just a thing.

Arguing with an idiot doesn't do anything except make them think they're right-er.
You're right, but I can't really help it. We just came out of a debating class so I was pretty fired up.