Author Topic: Virtualbox Help (Arch Linux)  (Read 1059 times)

I installed virtualbox and got an iso for android x86.
I made a new VM and tried to boot from the iso.
However, I cannot actually get it to boot because an error comes up stating that I do not have the required drivers.
It suggested that I install a package called virtualbox-host-modules, but I already have that.
I tried all of the solutions listed in the error window, but none of them changed anything.
I then rebooted my computer after trying the solutions again, but that didn't work.

Try "modprobe vboxdrv"?

modprobe: FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.
Oh my.

The module isn't installed. Reinstall it as root (obviously.)

I already did that. It said to do that in the error message.

You're forgeted. Use something else or install Windows.

What. No, there has to be a way to fix it.

There's a way to manually start the module with systemctl or systemd but I forgot how to do it cause I havent used Arch in forever

I tried "insmod vboxdrv" but it gave me "insmod: ERROR: could not load module vboxdrv: No such file or directory"

It is clear that the module is not on my computer. I will try to reinstall all of the modules.

EDIT: I just reinstalled the following packages.

And then I did "sudo systemctl enable dkms.service" just to make sure that was enabled.
Then I tried "insmod vboxdrv" again.

Nothing changed.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 08:01:53 PM by blueblur121 »

You'd get much better help on the VirtualBox forums. Why post here?

That was where I was going to try next.
My general rule for these sorts of things is if I have to bump a help topic more than three times, then I should get help elsewhere.