Author Topic: Help for a returning Blockhead  (Read 910 times)

Not 100% sure if this is the right place to put this, sorry if it's wrong. I don't intend this to bash the community or the game and I don't want it to start a discussion pitting the "old" BL against the "new" BL. I also don't intend it to hurt anybody's "internet feelings" or bash any certain group. I just want some direction because this BL is completely new to me.

Hey guise, today I downloaded Blockland for the first time in four years. I heard about the Steam release a while back, but really didn't care that much because I recalled that the community could be really crappy sometimes. The game remained absent on my computer, but a couple days ago I read a bit about the updates and decided to download it just for stuffs and giggles.

Heard a lot of good things, but also a lot of bad. A lot of people complained about the removal of maps - can't say I'm too happy about that, as I enjoyed the diversity of maps a lot, but whatever. I guess if badspot thinks it's a good direction for the game, he can do it, and it's still a playable game. The discontinuation of RTB really bummed me though - that service made add-ons a snap to download and made the community a lot more accessible. I thought the addition of the gamemodes shipped with the game was a nice touch. The shaders aren't bad either.

I checked out the forum. Before visiting, I heard from a lot of people that the community was even worse than it was years back. I came in expecting the worst. "stuff," I thought, "this forum is probably going to be a clusterforget." I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't - for the most part there are a lot of intelligent people here who try to make this game better. The attitude of the community seems to be pretty good; a lot of people have real discussions about a lot of different things. Of course there are tards who have to start some kind of kiddy-war over some stuff they don't like, but I think that problem plagues every forum. Reading some of the posts here reminded me that playing Blockland with good friends could be a stuffload of fun. There's still a lot of problems with the community, but I like it nevertheless.

Alright. Now that I've finished my oldcigarette story, I should at least post about my original intention: I would really appreciate it if some of you could answer a few questions I have about the "new" BL:
  • What are the "must have" add-ons right now? Are some of the old ones still mantained?
  • Are some of the old add-on authors still active and producing content?
  • What are the best servers to play on?
  • Does the removal of both RTB and maps make it harder or easier to play the game?
  • I've noticed a couple old versions of the RTB client floating around - is it still worth having?

tl;dr i'm an oldcigarette who don't recognize dis stuff anymore and need help with putting my game together pls

also this account was originally intended to be a throwaway to get some sound add-on to one of my buddies. Is it possible to edit my username? also the "upload profile image" feature appears to not be working

thanks everyone in advance - I hope we can make this game better than it ever was.

mafia madness servers are usually a load of fun to play

duplicator is still used by everyone, old vehicles like minijet are still used

It's nice to see a veteran return.

As for add-ons, you may want to update your Duplicator to the new "Duplorcator" if you haven't done so already.

[GSF]Ghost - the guy who made a ton of cool maps - is still around. He's working on a terrain generator and a few other things, might wanna check those out.

Also - you can PM Badspot if you want a name change, but there is no guarantee he will do it.

It's nice to see a veteran return.

As for add-ons, you may want to update your Duplicator to the new "Duplorcator" if you haven't done so already.

[GSF]Ghost - the guy who made a ton of cool maps - is still around. He's working on a terrain generator and a few other things, might wanna check those out.

Also - you can PM Badspot if you want a name change, but there is no guarantee he will do it.
what's the difference between the duplicator and the duplorcator?

what's the difference between the duplicator and the duplorcator?

The Duplorcator actually works copies prints correctly, and doesn't glitch water bricks when duplicated.


Lol did you migrate to 4chan 4 years ago or something

cigarette is pretty much another way to say guy or fan on the internet, like newcigarette or audiocigarette.

Lol did you migrate to 4chan 4 years ago or something
that word migrated to the rest of the internet at least 8 years ago

i always wondered what it was 100% like back in 2010. i never played much back then.