Author Topic: So, this laptop...  (Read 417 times)

...can no longer be used to play games :/

Let's explain. I have an ASUS N56V. It's a solid piece of machinery (or at least was) with a mobile i7, GeForce GT 630M, 8GB RAM and 630 (useable) GB HDD. It's not the greatest computer under the sun, but for a game designer and hardcore gamer always on the move, it's actually fairly sturdy, especially since I got this for free and I'm still looking for a job so I can buy my proper custom desktop.

Anyways, recently some problems have appeared. I want to know if anybody here can help me solve:

  • The corner of the laptop, right near the left hinge has split open, and this crack has gotten bigger and bigger so as half of the back has also cracked open. The hinge is holding on for dear life, but if you don't handle the laptop properly and the top and bottom pieces separate just enough, the machine completely powers down.
  • The battery is dead. That's okay since I'm almost always near a power-point now-a-days, but here's the problem: whenever I'm playing a video game or the laptop is under load, it will constantly flicker between battery and the charger, until the battery runs out of the 3% it can hold and it then shuts down. I've jiggled the plug while it's in the hole, and there is some wiggle, so I'm scared the internal pin or some other part is fractured.
  • Speedfan reports the machine's CPU (quad-core) and GPU both hitting temperatures of 90 degrees (C) under load. From what I've heard, that's not significantly dangerous, but it's very close to the "overheating" mark. I get the feeling that the crack in the machine has increased the amount of dust-buildup, as well as all the crap in the keyboard. Of course, ASUS being ASUS, the process to open the machine and clean it out (especially the keyboard) is fairly daunting.
So, you guys think this machine is salvageable? It still works, but I can no longer do any of my game design work, play games, run Folding@Home or any other intensive processes without the machine shutting off. I don't want to attempt a repair until I've got a desktop and backups for my HDD, but that could be months away.

I just want to play more Batman: Arkham Asylum :/

i have soldered laptop power jacks (or replaced them or the inside cord) for people countless times. they always break but are always fixable.

if its reallky beat the forget up, and you dont care. i would attempt some custom modding for cooling lol.
on a laptop with a dedicated gpu, the heatsink is usually 1 unit. connecting both cpu+gpu to fan outward.
i would try out a replacement sink+fan, or a better one. or mod some crazy stuff in there like water cooling ;D

though that would kill the mobile aspect of the computer if you do a lot to it. but it could still game well if you get that heat down.

-some good ideas-
Thanks. I'd rather keep it as a mobile thing though, so I can have a desktop at home which I play and work on, and then when I go to college, I bring my laptop which has the same programs and setup to make it easier. College computers are rubbish.

If I can get another 1TB drive soon, I'll backup all my files, tear this machine up and see if I can replace the potentially broken pin and beef up the cooling system. I'm alright if it becomes a bit more thick or long, I just need the damn thing working reliably and soon.