Author Topic: "unknown ???" - stalling Deathrun  (Read 1537 times)

I forgot to take his ID but he later said his real username is "Dakota Jones" in a very spammy way.

He was so annoying,can confirm this happened.
Also he spammed ?'s.

This idiot is also known as dikota jones. He also likes to change his name repeatedly, leave the server, and then come back and then claims he has no idea what or who Dakota jones is. He also for some reason hates me in particular and will change his name to "cruxeis is dumb" or something like that and then join a server. He's been permanently banned on my server and on a couple of others.
BL_ID: 47642
Here's another drama about him
Basically, this guy is literally the most incompetent pretentious richardhead I have ever met, so don't let whoever the hell this is ruin your server.

aaah dakota

i remember him

he's trolling.

This is impossibly bad trolling, he insults himself frequently, (seriously, check out the other thread about him)

no comprehension from this guy.

This is impossibly bad trolling, he insults himself frequently, (seriously, check out the other thread about him)
...that doesn't mean its not trolling wtf are you smoking

This is the same guy who attempts to claim himself as host. I had encountered this weasel before in few servers

...that doesn't mean its not trolling wtf are you smoking

I didnt say it wasnt trolling. Ill emphasize another word...

This is impossibly bad trolling, he insults himself frequently, (seriously, check out the other thread about him)

no comprehension from this guy.

What I meant was is that I know it's trolling, but it's really really bad trolling.

Oh gosh, THIS guy. He cam on my Post apoc RP once with the username ????????????????? and said stuff like "I wont tell you my username u have to figure it out urself" And started saying stuff about Dakota Jones.