Author Topic: img2brick blockland add-on  (Read 1355 times)

Since i can't seem to find it anywhere, can anyone PM it to me?

First, goes in Suggestions and Requests. Just a headsup
Also I don't have it. But uhhh... If someone else could pm me it too I wouldn't mind 8)

Yea, i was pondering for 10 minutes, where i should post this :p

Numerous topics have been made about this, try using the search function. Also, Img2Brick isn't an addon - it's an executable file (.exe), and we aren't allowed to post those here iirc.

If I knew the macro format I could easily make it from scratch using a better algorithm.

Numerous topics have been made about this, try using the search function. Also, Img2Brick isn't an addon - it's an executable file (.exe), and we aren't allowed to post those here iirc.
That's why i mentioned PM-ing it

I made one that doesn't require an executable, but it is only B/W as it uses, pm me if you want.