
Which you perfer use OS?

Win 95
1 (1.2%)
Win 89
3 (3.6%)
Win Me
0 (0%)
Win XP
5 (6%)
Win Vista
2 (2.4%)
Win 7
40 (48.2%)
Win 8
24 (28.9%)
Win 9
8 (9.6%)

Total Members Voted: 83

Author Topic: Windows 8 Died at Launch, Microsoft Moves on to Windows 9  (Read 3383 times)

The force restarting to update has happened to both myself and my friend before, in the case of not having been given a warning beforehand, or simply not being able to access the "postpone this update" window, which only sometimes comes up for some reason.

How updates are done is very inconsistent, and even then, the fact that it can happen in some cases is an issue in and of itself. However when you consider the demographic of Windows users, that a big chunk of them aren't "power users" like most of you, urging an important security update for what is debateably the most used platform on PCs is important for those who may not understand why these updates can protect them.

If only there was an option for updates

Windows 8 is cool if you have a touchscreen or a tablet, other than that it's useless.
They should of just added an option when installing it that asked if you were using it on a tablet or a desktop and then configured it differently rather than shoving the touchscreen interface down everyone's throat.
Seriously Microsoft, keep your tablet/phone OS and your desktop OS different.

They won't sell Windows 9 to Germany.
Windows NEIN.

Microsoft's attitude as of recent has been ridiculous. It's like they're the brother of Apple, and they can't let them get away with anything. Since Apple is doing well with mobile, Microsoft has to as well, and so they try and force their userbase into the mobile experience under the false impression that people will somehow feel comfortable on Windows 8 and then want to use a Windows Mobile since it's the same thing.

I really wanted a Windows Phone/Zune at one point, but now I'm not going to bother. Android at least gives me some flexibility to use my phone as MY phone. As for OS, I lasted on XP until 2012, and I'll last with 7 for just as long.

I think Microsoft Sam would be a better choice than Cortana.

I think with Windows 9 their going to make the OS adjust depending on what device you're using.

I still like the Windows 7 UI the whole touch screen monitor thing is just a gimmick. Try using one a fixed tablet for a day and then think about how redundant it is to reach across a desk to touch a screen. The keyboard and mouse will always be superior to any touch screen in my opinion.

I think Microsoft Sam would be a better choice than Cortana.

Just imagine all of the voice glitch puns it would have.


Just imagine all of the voice glitch puns it would have.
All my yes, she needs a MS Sam easteregg, like the clippy one.

Incase you don't know, if you ask cortana if she knows clippy she actually answers that.

Also Did everyone forget there is still a Windows key...usually on their keyboard?
I have no clue why I don't use it, I still keep hitting the start button, every time, its like a choice of using numpad keys or
the number keys.

They won't sell Windows 9 to Germany.
Windows NEIN.

thats like a triple joke