Author Topic: /FlipOff - Another way to rage at a player!  (Read 11216 times)

Does this have the "forget you" sound from the Big Bill Hells commercial?

I didn't model it, lol. I can't change anything (such as color) because it is a datablock.
Name the material on the hand, and then put a .png in the folder that is 16x16 and the color you want for the hand (for example, the peach color), and boom. Hand is now that color if you do it correctly. Pretty sure.

Does this have the "forget you" sound from the Big Bill Hells commercial?

No, It's from OneyNG.

Name the material on the hand, and then put a .png in the folder that is 16x16 and the color you want for the hand (for example, the peach color), and boom. Hand is now that color if you do it correctly. Pretty sure.
How come no one is getting it

11/10 would sit on again

Name the material on the hand, and then put a .png in the folder that is 16x16 and the color you want for the hand (for example, the peach color), and boom. Hand is now that color if you do it correctly. Pretty sure.
you can't change datablocks in-game.
Even if he recolored it peach, it would always be that. Even if the original color of the player's hand is red, it would still be peach.
His problem is not that he can't recolor the model, it's that he can't recolor it to match the player's hand color.

correct me if I'm wrong

Can't you do something like color=($rhand[%obj.client.rhand], %obj.client.rhandcolor);

you can't change datablocks in-game.
yes you can, but you can't recolor items

Can't you do something like color=($rhand[%obj.client.rhand], %obj.client.rhandcolor);

After flipping off someone, your hand disappears.

the hand model needs to be updated. it currently looks like a box with a stick on it