Author Topic: Blockland World Cup 2014 [[ZIMBABWE WON p58]]  (Read 70187 times)

So what now? IFBL Confederations Cup next year?

forget I forgot about all this :c if there is going to be a blacklist for the next one I hope I don't get added I just forgot about this stuff the game where Russia lost was on the same day of my second day back to school -_- I'm just so sorry
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 11:00:58 PM by Bluecat43 »

Great world cup everybody! Here are my opinions of the teams and their places.
1st: Zimbabwe

In my opinion, this had to be the best custom team there is to date. While it became easily predictable after the Portugal match, Zimbabwe played the most hardest matches in the world cup, and in my opinion, I feel like they indeed, deserved the win.

2nd: Portugal

Okay, hear me out, even through Argentina was a great team and all, Portugal just flat out deserved the silver because of their incredible play in the quarter finals and for third place. Hopefully they can win in 2016!

3rd: France

I know what you're thinking, and I feel the same way, but think about it. France is owned from one of the hosts of the server, king Julian himself, and played a tough match against Zimbabwe! Even through they lost, I thought it was the best Quarter match in this world cup.

4th: USA

The final good team in the cup was USA. It was amazing seeing it beat Korea for the entry, but their overall performance was 50/50. Even through I was voting for Portugal, it was really fun seeing people rioting Portugal and wanting USA to win.

5th: Argentina

This was the only meh team on this list. If you ask me, I think Argentina got the 2nd easiest line-up in the world cup, which is stupid. Reason being is because they beat Germany 4-0, and beat Brazil 9-3. However in the finals, they got demolished 11-1, which is pretty sad for a world cup finals. I'm only gonna say this.
Argentina, you beat Germany and that's great, but you didn't win the world cup. Just... please try harder next time. :cookie:

6th: Brazil

By just a landslide, Brazil lost to Argentina for 5th, and now is in the bad section. Now in the original world cup, they did amazing, getting 4th. In this one, not so much... First off in the quarter finals, they almost beat Russia flawlessly with a score so high.. it-
Well, you'll see. Anyway, that's when they were lucky, then, from there on out, Brazil sucked HORRIBLY. They lost to Argentina 3-9, and got beat FLAWLESSLY by Portugal in the third place match 11-0. In my opinion, I have no clue why it made it into 4th.

7th: Germany

Jesus, this team barely had any effort. Thank god Mr. LoL banned Dogling from the next world cup, otherwise, all havoc would break loose.
Anywho, lets get to the story.
Argentina and Germany plays a game, and all goes well until Argentina scores its third score in a row, which makes Dogling angry. He then marches over to one of the referees and tells him that it isn't fair. The referees chat with him and now he's calm. A minute later, Argentina scores its fourth goal, which causes Dogling to ragequit, forcing the team to forefit the match. If I were dogling, I would keep playing instead of ragequitting!

8th: Russia

Even through I am a part of the team, Russia is flat out, the WORST team in any world cup. When they were supposed to play, I showed up first, and for  a while, nobody from my team showed up. After that, Mr. Lol started to get pretty pissed at gingerdemon for not responding to him for 2 weeks. Then finally, 45 mins until the match starts, Jack noir, a team player for russia, shows up and the day is saved! No not really, it gets really chaotic from here on out. With minimal time to spare, lol decides to make russias roster change to a custom roster, causing some pretty crazy stuff to happen. Even with the custom team, we got the worst score in the world cup facing Brazil. 18-1. It was so bad, Mr.Lol decided to ban Gingerdemon from participating in anymore world cups.
He felt sorry for me and jack, and I can agree, because out of all the custom players, only one made a goal. *sigh* Mr.Lol, please don't allow russia into the next world cup, they did bad enough already... :c

And there you have it! if you want to do an opinion of your own, then do it!    
:'c I wanted to do this so badly I'm sorry man if I disappointed you guys I feel like next time I should just make Japan and only be a sub and HOPEFULLY I can join or I could just not do anything and just watch it or this is if Mr.LoL could allow me to do something where I can make Japan just only watch and accept players into the team. If not than I'll play and or just watch the game.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 11:10:08 PM by Bluecat43 »