Author Topic: XR_7 gets stuck in the road [screw everything] [Low-qual PICS]  (Read 518 times)

Um....yeah. Good news that was cancelled out by ugly news.

My dad took his old commuter out to be inspected. If it passes, I will have a car to drive depending on which one my dad chooses to drive to work.

Good news: The car passed inspection.

Ugly news: The car broke down less than a block from the inspection place and was stuck holding up traffic.

Let's start from the beginning.

My dad has been working on his old commuter car (2001 Ford Focus) for a while now trying to make it suitable to drive so he can either start using it again so he isn't piling miles on his newer car or so I can drive to work and school. Yesterday, he took it to a tire shop so that they could get it inspected. It drove perfectly on the way there and it worked perfectly for them, allowing it to pass the inspection test.

Skip to this afternoon. My mom was lying on the couch exhausted and didn't want to go with my dad to pick up the car, so I went along with him to drive the van back home (also to be my first time driving on a road by myself) while he drove his car from the tire shop.

My dad pulled out of their parking lot and I followed him. We went through a stop sign, turned right, and stopped in the left turn lane at a stop light. When the green arrow appeared, my dad didn't move forward. Instead, he flipped on his hazards.

Uh oh.

I looked behind me and saw a gray Saturn behind me so I just turned on my hazards too so they'd go around. My dad got out and told me that the car died and wouldn't start. I didn't want to sit in the turn lane so I drove in reverse for half a block down the street and parked in an empty gravel/grass lot. My dad pushed the car to the shoulder and left it there and came to the van to think of options.

We eventually had to call AAA and have them find us a tow truck. A tow truck didn't turn up until almost an hour and a half later. They freaking drove 45 miles to come find us. The truck carried the car home which is now sitting in its same spot in the driveway where it has been sitting for the past several months.

Back to square 1.

About time you got here:

Dropping the car back home.

10/10 pictures

Our phone cameras are pitiful