Author Topic: Blockland Racing Network non racing help  (Read 620 times)

so I made a clan if you haven't guessed its a racing clan but there are a few non racing things I need for starters I need the following positions filled

Live cameraman (posts a livestream on twitch)
Recap cameraman (posts a short recap on youtube)
Track designers (very important infact more important than the others)

if you contribute in anyway you will be given access to a vip area

if you make a track make sure it follows this criteria:
Has a start line
Has a finish line
Has a pit road that fits 19 cars if circuit
Doesn't have anything not normally found on a racetrack or city
Has Garages that fit 19 cars

Also here are some mods colored based importance green not needed but would add great detail, yellow somewhat needed but could be done without, red really needed.

Race flags
A server sided speedometer that doesn't mess up racing events
a pit script where you stop in the a zone and it refills your gas (as well as a gas script)

« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 03:15:37 PM by newspeed12 »

A server sided speedometer that doesn't mess up racing events
a pit script where you stop in the a zone and it refills your gas (as well as a gas script)
vehicle damage script

All of these are already mods. Search before you post.
This would go in your clan thread instead of GD. Also, I'm not sure if this counts as it or not, but since you can post this in your clan thread + you posted a link to your clan, this can possibly be considered cross posting.
Not trying to be mean, just helping out.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 01:51:09 PM by -Setro- »

All of these are already mods. Search before you post.
This would go in your clan thread instead of GD. Also, I'm not sure if this counts as it or not, but since you can post this in your clan thread + you posted a link to your clan, this can possibly be considered cross posting.
Not trying to be mean, just helping out.

Maybe he wants to customize them more / make them differently

the speedometer I had wrecked racing events

I know there Is a gas script but it is too exploitable

was unaware there was a vehicle damage script ill search for it now I didn't find it

also I thought crossposting was when you post the same thing in 2 different threads
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 02:03:24 PM by newspeed12 »

The 'vehicle damage' mod is called Rampaging Vehicles. What is so exploitable about the gas mod?

I meant the vehicle gets damaged not bricks and with the gas mod you could just stock up on gas cans and fill it up with no upward limit

I meant the vehicle gets damaged not bricks

That's an option in Rampaging Vehicles.

That's an option in Rampaging Vehicles.
I didn't know that I better dl