Author Topic: How can I artificially lower the graphics on a game?  (Read 1187 times)

Unfortunately the majority of CS:GO players are ridiculously paranoid; most external config changes/graphics tools could get you in trouble.

Unfortunately the majority of CS:GO players are ridiculously paranoid; most external config changes/graphics tools could get you in trouble.
you might say those are considered

Unfortunately the majority of CS:GO players are ridiculously paranoid; most external config changes/graphics tools could get you in trouble.
you don't exactly have to tell them

Replace every texture with a single 1px green dot.

you don't exactly have to tell them
Some servers will detect it and warn/ban.

Some servers will detect it and warn/ban.
Unless the client literally sends over the checksum of every single one of their textures and models to the server I have a seriously hard time believing this.

Unless the client literally sends over the checksum of every single one of their textures and models to the server I have a seriously hard time believing this.
That's how the Source engine works. Should the server will it, everything will be checked.

CS:GO official servers will ban you for modifying game files. Any of them. Even sounds. :c
( ban == kick until you fix )

change all textures to low quality jpegs.
lighting? who needs that?
sound? lowest quality possible.
going back to atari.

there must be an n64 mode like tf2 has

Put -tools on launch options. It will probably lead you to a screen that has the Counter Strike logo.

I think I remember needing to open the console and put

gamemenucommand openserverbrowser

so after you do that a server list should pop up and then you can play without lag hopefully.

This worked for me so hopefully it'll work for you.

i mean use a program/tool to boost it beyond game options.

also i'm running cs:go at 800x600 in windowed and it's still being a richardbutt

windowed mode runs slower than fullscreen I think

I think I remember needing to open the console and put

gamemenucommand openserverbrowser

so after you do that a server list should pop up and then you can play without lag hopefully.

u wot m8

the server browser is accessible from the menu and that's not even what he's asking for