Author Topic: Local man on FBI top ten most wanted list  (Read 739 times)

So this guy that lives like 20 minutes away from me camped outside a state police barracks and opened fire on some cops. He killed one and injured another one. Since it was the middle of the night and in the middle of the woods he managed to get away. There have been reported sightings of him but no real concrete stuff. It's been reported he talked aboutu wanting to kill a bunch of police and do some Flash Mob. He's currently on the FBI top ten most wanted now.

Since he's not in his house and he most likely won't be for a while, go loot his place.

In all seriousness though, that would make me uneasy if someone living that close to me did something like that.

Find him
tie him up
give him to police
get emones

I hope I see him, I'm willing to take my chances for 175 grand.

Find him
tie him up
give him to police
get emones
He ATTACKED the POLICE instead of RUNNING from them.

I doubt a forumer could tie him up to get emones.

I hope I see him, I'm willing to take my chances for 175 grand.
do you mean your going to tie him up and give him to the police?
if you are. good luck, you only get one life and can never get one back.
if you mean something else like calling the police and stuff
then I hope you get the grands!

He ATTACKED the POLICE instead of RUNNING from them.

I doubt a forumer could tie him up to get emones.

He shot cops while hiding in the woods in the middle of the night. So he pretty much just ambushed them.

I meant calling the police, or if spotted on the side of the road just him with a car yo.

or if spotted on the side of the road just him with a car yo.
That could be really bad in the case of misidentification.

That could be really bad in the case of misidentification.

I said I'll take my chances!

That could be really bad in the case of misidentification.
for 175k its worth it bro. want to make serious paper? take the damn opportunity when given to you