Author Topic: How do I export a brick file to a .blb?  (Read 2623 times)

I'm fairly sure I need a .dts and .blb file inside a brick .zip file. I'm using Milkshape 3d and testing out things I can make. How can I export in .blb or convert it to a .blb?

And yes, I searched and I found nothing useful to me

You don;t need a .dts for a brick, first off. Secondly you need to get an obj to blb converter, I don't have any links on hand for you but searching the forums should come up with two different ones.

OK thank you. I'm new to all of this and want to contribute to the community in more than music loops. I'll do that tomorrow, a leaving the topic up in case I have more questions

DTS collision is only for bricks with complex collision. Like ramps, rounds, the pine tree, etc. If you don't use DTS collision, you can have up to 10 square collision boxes(you define their positions and X Y Z coordinates).

Here's a good tutorial for making bricks.
It also includes generals DTS exporter, and a tutorial explaining every step of the way.