Author Topic: McJobless designs a LEGO Game  (Read 1773 times)

WARNING: Many, MANY words incoming. Also, to make it clear; I don't actually plan on making this game, unless if LEGO sponsored me and funded a development team. Just trying to show people that there are much better ways to make a LEGO game than what we're currently getting.

So guys, you should all know I'm really sick of Traveller's Tales and the bullstuff they're pulling with their games. Since I think people don't really believe I know what I'm talking about, and because I've been looking for a hobby, I've started writing a game design proposal document for a new LEGO video game based off the Ultra Agents theme.

The entire document, currently 5000+ words, is through this link. There's still about 3/5ths of the document left to write, including all the story and art, as well as some gameplay stuff, and I also want to make some pretty concept art if people like this.

The tl;dr: It's a lot like Batman: Arkham City, except that there are no linear story missions; there's a bunch of free-roaming NPC supervillains flying around, and so you need to take them out whenever you think you're ready. There's a bunch of side quests that can help you prepare/get 100%, and there's also customisation, dialogue, parkour and some other shiny features.

Some snippets from the document:

Your feedback, critique, suggestions, ideas, support and anything else are appreciated!

I'm sold.
And it's not that junk parkour system you get in TLMVG.

i honestly hope that lego actually helps you with this
this looks very unique and fun
i would definitely buy

i honestly hope that lego actually helps you with this
this looks very unique and fun
i would definitely buy

So you are gonna send this document to LEGO when it is finished?

So you are gonna send this document to LEGO when it is finished?
One of the big problems is that LEGO has a list of things they don't want to promote with their sets, and unfortunately this game idea breaks some of these, violence being the big one.

LEGO is starting to show more violent content in its sets (they now prominently feature guns) and their games are now starting to allow players to actually do more violent attacks (compare to the original LEGO Island; the most violent thing you could do was throw pizzas out of a helicopter), but I think they would frown upon this one.

Also, submitting game design documents to large companies is not how you get a design team or get a game going. That said, I'll probably make a trailer, and if people are liking it I might try to build some prototypes. We'll see how things go.

One of the big problems is that LEGO has a list of things they don't want to promote with their sets, and unfortunately this game idea breaks some of these, violence being the big one.

LEGO is starting to show more violent content in its sets (they now prominently feature guns) and their games are now starting to allow players to actually do more violent attacks (compare to the original LEGO Island; the most violent thing you could do was throw pizzas out of a helicopter), but I think they would frown upon this one.

Also, submitting game design documents to large companies is not how you get a design team or get a game going. That said, I'll probably make a trailer, and if people are liking it I might try to build some prototypes. We'll see how things go.
Yeah, i am not sure if LEGO would really be fond of the game idea for that matter.
And i was just asking that because i was curious what exactly you were planning to do with this.
It looked a bit like you would send it to them or something.

And i was just asking that because i was curious what exactly you were planning to do with this.
It looked a bit like you would send it to them or something.
Not much, frankly.

Writing is my hobby, but I'm not very good with fiction except for game worlds. So I write a lot of detailed game design documents.

This sounds absolutely amazing.

Lego needs to grow up along with the world, almost everyone knows about CIA and child soldiers, so what's so bad about a few super villains and "permanently terminated" agents?

Sorry if I start slowing down at this point; I've got several game design documents which are required for college so I'm prioritising them.