Author Topic: New spray FX?  (Read 3109 times)

No.  The water has a wave-like distortion on the upper surface (and bottom surface?).  This would have no distortion or "bending" of the shape.  Just simple oscillating movement up and down.
I see. I thought you were talking about a wave.

Hologram FX
Distorted FX
Static FX(like a tv that has static)
A real chrome FX (Looks like real chrome)
Reflect FX (Sorta like chrome but, reflects, may or may not reflect people/bots/vehicles ect.)

Reflect FX (Sorta like chrome but, reflects, may or may not reflect people/bots/vehicles ect.)
I think the only way that could possibly work if it changed the materials of the brick to reflect the skybox's 7th texture, which is usually the cubemap texture, however, it seems to make models glow in the dark and will appear black if the skybox does not have a cubemap texture

If it could actually reflect players, bots and/or vehicles, i'd imagine it'd be as bad as the shadows that have to render the scene multiple times :(

Can you explain this please?
Sort of like hologram except the object is more out of focus often, and wobbles more.

more out of focus often
This doesn't help.  What do you mean?  Like it begins to blur in with its surroundings?

This doesn't help.  What do you mean?  Like it begins to blur in with its surroundings?
I think he sort of means like the star wars holograms (I can't find a very good example, but this is somewhat like it)

This doesn't help.  What do you mean?  Like it begins to blur in with its surroundings? have you ever seen a old tv that has a bad antenna so you can't see the image properly and the image is constantly out of focus with static?

I think he sort of means like the star wars holograms (I can't find a very good example, but this is somewhat like it)
This. have you ever seen a old tv that has a bad antenna so you can't see the image properly and the image is constantly out of focus with static?
Yeah.  When things are out of focus, they blur with their surroundings.  That's exactly what I just said.

Something like adjusting focus are not possible without either engine changes or some hacky script thing that would cause lag if used in large amounts.

However, when the brick would have a jittery moment, that is possible, but would likely have to be a cross between a shape and color fx.  Additionally, naming it "Distorted" works, but it is a very general term.  There's probably an official term for exactly what you're suggesting.

No-Collision,Rendering,RayCasting FX
HellYes-Collision,Rendering,RayCasting FX

No-Collision,Rendering,RayCasting FX
There's already a badly made spray can that turns off collision, rendering, and ray casting.

There's already a badly made spray can that turns off collision, rendering, and ray casting.
but what bout the hellyes FX?