Author Topic: Vulsilthur's Medival Clan Battles  (Read 2287 times)

I was wondering when Vulsilthur's server would show up here.

OP, He does abuse his administrative powers alot.

Vul takes advantage of the double standard that hosts (and many times admins) have over the non-administrating players. EX: He would spawn camp at your fort but when you get a chance to spawn camp him, he forcekills you then threatens to ban you if you try it again.

^First post ever

This idiot (Vulsilthur) spammed the forget out of Grav's server and made it barely playable, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's been cheating in his own server.

This idiot (Vulsilthur) spammed the forget out of Grav's server and made it barely playable, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's been cheating in his own server.
He also tried killing me on my friends Fallout RP, so I killed him, he had a fit saying that I freekilled and kept going on about it.

That's pretty ironic considering he doesn't let his admins do anything, He's quite the hypocrite if you ask me.

What is going on with this thread.

This idiot (Vulsilthur) spammed the forget out of Grav's server and made it barely playable, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's been cheating in his own server.
Also I would like to point out cheating =/= spamming

Also I would like to point out cheating =/= spamming

richardhead =/= richardhead