Author Topic: Ethan's Color Sets  (Read 2830 times)

Just sharing my old color sets, which have been lost in the time warp and various forum archives etc.

Colorset 1 - Architectural

I made this colorset with the aim of creating large cities etc, and opted for various ranges of colors that can be suitable for both inside artificial colours and outside natural colours (the kind of variance you would see in day to day life).


Colorset 1 - Standard

This one was made with a more generic range of colors, for people who aren't really interested in the specific set above.



These are some really, really nice colorsets. Nice work.

I like the architectural (maybe change the lights to be more useful) a LOT, but the standard seems like it has colors for the sake of having those colors, instead of with purpose in mind.

Architectural looks very useful, thanks.

Thanks guys.

I like the architectural (maybe change the lights to be more useful) a LOT, but the standard seems like it has colors for the sake of having those colors, instead of with purpose in mind.

I see what you are meaning. The architectural lacks a proper brown selection, and opts for colours extracted from pictures of building materials. Whilst it still has some browns, there aren't that many usuable browns like some might need in certain builds.