Author Topic: Support_Updater Error  (Read 498 times)

Support_Updater informed of an error when I tried to update Server_LimitedBricks and Gamemode_Slayer. I'm thinking it has to do with not being able to connect to the site that has the Server_LimitedBricks add-on.

Code: [Select]
Binding server port to default IP
UDP initialized on port 11933
Starting client authentication...
Engine initialized...
Updater checking repository
Server_LimitedBricks added to download queue.
Updater checking repository GreekMods
Gamemode_Slayer added to download queue.
ERROR (TCPClient): error 4 for connection to Cannot handle this redirect.
Authentication: SUCCESS
ERROR (TCPClient): error 3 for connection to Invalid response: 404
Unable to update Server_LimitedBricks! TCPClient error 3
WARN (TCPClient): Connection to server failed. Retrying in 5000ms (retry 1 of 1)
Gamemode_Slayer update completed!
ERROR (TCPClient): error 1 for connection to Server not found.
Exporting server prefs
Exporting client prefs
Exporting client config
Exporting rtb prefs
Slayer (Client): Deactivating Slayer
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...

Let's walk through the error messages.

Updater checking repository
check this repository (which contains Server_LimitedBricks)

Server_LimitedBricks added to download queue.
update found

Updater checking repository GreekMods
Gamemode_Slayer added to download queue.
check my repository, update found for Slayer

ERROR (TCPClient): error 4 for connection to Cannot handle this redirect.
Unrelated error for a separate connection to my website

ERROR (TCPClient): error 3 for connection to v9u39g.dm2303.livefilestore.c om: Invalid response: 404
Unable to update Server_LimitedBricks! TCPClient error 3
This is what the first repository specified as the download location for Server_LimitedBricks. It doesn't exist

WARN (TCPClient): Connection to server failed. Retrying in 5000ms (retry 1 of 1)
ERROR (TCPClient): error 1 for connection to Server not found.
No idea what this website is.

Gamemode_Slayer update completed!
Slayer finished downloading/updating

So something is wrong with the repository that Server_LimitedBricks is hosted on. The owner needs to update the download URL.

So something is wrong with the repository that Server_LimitedBricks is hosted on. The owner needs to update the download URL.
Thanks. I PM'd the add-on creator before making this topic. He's looking in to it.