Author Topic: Blockhead Birthday Party (UPDATE: 11/12/2014)  (Read 6293 times)

Legodude, I notcied when I enabled this addon my bricks would turn red when I shot them.
did you know of this?

Legodude, I notcied when I enabled this addon my bricks would turn red when I shot them.
did you know of this?
That it does, what the heck?

Maybe it has to do with Support_Hitbox? There's this line in it that references the paint projectile
Code: [Select]
function getHitbox( %obj, %col, %pos )
   $_detectHitboxActive = true;
   $_detectHitboxList = "";
   $_detectHitboxPosition = %pos;

   paintProjectile::onCollision( "", %obj, %col, "", %pos, "" );
   cancel( %col.tempColorSchedule );
   %list = trim( $_detectHitboxList );

   deleteVariables( "$_detectHitbox*" );

   if ( ( %col.getType() & $TypeMasks::PlayerObjectType ) && isObject( %cl = %col.client ) )

   return %list;

Otherwise, there's nothing else that should be causing that

It's happening because you're trying to get the hitbox of the brick. To fix this, just check if %col is a player or an AI player before you check the hitbox.

It's happening because you're trying to get the hitbox of the brick. To fix this, just check if %col is a player or an AI player before you check the hitbox.
That sounds like something a smart person would do...

Anyway, updating shortly