Author Topic: [VIDEO] Badspot's Block Party Summary  (Read 783 times)

I made a crappy peice-of-poo video!
Check it out!
Rate /10 if you so desire, or just use constructive criticism.
Please, use constructive criticism.
Not just, "this suks becus u cant us somting othr than Windows Live Movie Maker"
Welp, I haven't spent a penny on equipment. (Blockland doesn't count).
So, don't expect a video that matches the quality of Filipe1020 or Teneksi's videos.

Seriously, I suck at this, and I want to know how to not suck.
And I know, yes, the captions disappear too fast, but hey, what did you expect?

you didnt even touch the twin towers

also nice channel picture

I think I recorded the Twin Towers but the .avi file didn't want to work properly so I couldn't use it.

My crappy build was in it XD

Lol, this is much like a youtube poop.

that place got wanded to oblivion since