Author Topic: [NEWS] United States Formally Ends War In Afghanistan  (Read 1395 times)

How to Be America: Invade other countries due to other country conflicts

How to be Russia: Invade sister countries to try and gather the USSR back again

How to be North Korea: NUKES YEAH! -missile sputtering-

How to be China: Hehehe, we have the largest army!Don't know what Birth control is though.

How to be Canada: I'm just sitting here drinking beer watching countries kill themselves.

This is more like a Pyrrhic victory. Yes, the "coalition" won by technicality, but at what cost, literally? The amount of money spent on this war is just mind boggling.

actually, north korea has the largest standing military in the world

actually, north korea has the largest standing military in the world
if you
a) accept their numbers without any kind of fact checking or sourcing
and b) consider starved farmers who can be told to die with an empty gun in their hands a standing military

if you
a) accept their numbers without any kind of fact checking or sourcing
and b) consider starved farmers who can be told to die with an empty gun in their hands a standing military
i think he means in proportion to the population of NK

if you
a) accept their numbers without any kind of fact checking or sourcing
and b) consider starved farmers who can be told to die with an empty gun in their hands a standing military
they count their entire population as military personnel, so technically they have the largest military in the world

if you're looking for professionally trained, then the chinese are the next on the table