Author Topic: Describe the school/class friend(s)  (Read 2126 times)

May I ask why were you eating chinese food in the first place?
My asian friend gave it to me as a christmas gift

Holy stuff joe it sounds like Mr. D, my history teacher last semester (not giving full name for obvious reasons)
My history teacher's last name starts with D.

d for richard CHENEY

you didn't see that coming did you

-insert x files theme-

"hey guys lets make fun of him and spread rumors because he has an old phone that has no games durr durr"
"Hey guys I just pushed a person in a pool, farted, and laughed, am I cool now?"
(Another describer of my class friend)
1 = The friend
2 = The other guy

1: (Laughs at one person for doing something funny for him)
1: (Asks friends to watch 2 and asks 2 to do the action that was funny to him)
2: (Doesn't do it)
2: "Because I am myself and being myself, I chose not to"
1: (Mimic above in handicapped annoying voice)
2: (Attempt to speak)
1: "SHUT UP"

"Hey guys lets make the loudest fart sound ever and think its funny"
"I spread rumors, and lies, am I cool yet?"
Are you "other guy?"

i had a long post about this but then the forums started blocking my posts again and i don't feel like retyping it

To protect the innocent, let's call this person T.
T is the most tribal, flamboyant, and mood-swingiest person I have ever known. He will constantly make obnoxious noises during class and overreact to everything in an attempt to be funny. During band, he will play out-of-tune, eardrum popping notes while the director is talking or trying to instruct someone. T will throw hissy fits at people who criticize his behavior in the slightest, trying to bring up incidents that happened half a year ago in an awful attempt to back tag what the critic is saying.
T, at random, will make these tribal voices during a perfectly normal conversation. He used Je Suis Charlie as an excuse to mock French culture and people. When a black girl joined our grade at the beginning of the second semester, I could hear him talking to the one friend he has about how "a new race is in town" (our school is mostly Caucasian).
To put it bluntly, T is a whiny, tribal, and overall annoying waste of space.

Sometimes, I wonder of I'm the class friend. I have this voice which sounds stupid and slightly annoying, and I hate it. I've had 3 partners in my Spanish class ask to not sit beside me anymore. Classmates will start bitching at me for mispronouncing a Spanish word that was taught on a day I was absent. People talk "down" to me, speaking as if I'm dumber/younger than them. They'll sometimes come up to me and act nice to me, but then break out in laughter because they were doing it sarcastically. Some of the teachers are nice to me, but I wonder if it's just because they want to keep their jobs, or they feel sorry for me, or something else. I sometimes try to make a friendly joke, but they look extremely annoyed. People then end up asking me "why don't you talk a lot? We shouldn't have to come to you just to make you talk!" and these are the same people who did all of what I talked about. I tried to talk to you, but you just pushed me away, or acted like I'm the loving idiot who was comedy relief for you.

I also literally have no friends at school because of this. All of my friends are online.

>be in college
>waiting for game design class
>see cool game design teach
>talk to teach about super srs major project stuff
>class time, says we'll talk later
>douchebag 2 (aka 2x douchebag 1) walks in
>sits down next to me, jumpy as always
>class unusually quiet
>keep ignoring douchebag 2, he distracts my friend 'link'
>get to end of class
>turn to teach
>keep talking about super srs major project stuff
>'link' nervously asks teach question, trying to be respectful

>"do you think girls have it easier when getting people at the club"
>teach is female
>teach says equally difficult
>me and 'link' satisfied
>go back to super srs major project stuff
>douchebag 2 stands up
>does his excited handicap troll wobble

>"nuh-uh thats not true girls have it so much easier, we have to do all the effort while they just stand look pretty!"
>teach has argument with douchebag 2 for 30 mins
>douchebag manages to also epic le troll religion and school during ranting
>teach's pain due to back problems fire up
>teach leaves upset
>douchebag 2 spends 20 minutes bragging over how he won
>douchebag 2 drags 'link' to train station since I won't come


>be home
>go on facebook
>teach talking about heavily drinking due to douchebag 2
>jimmies rustled since I caused it all

I go to a chill AF music conservatory, well, not to say that it's like you don't put effort in.  Everyone forms a cool community, and we all understand each other.

But there are exceptions.

This one flute player, from what I've seen is the most passive-aggressive and judgmental person I've met.  I sit right behind him and play tenor sax.  When there's an opportunity for individual practice, I just noodle around on some soft melody trying to play something lyrical, and this starfish turns around and blasts a high note pointed near me, but he doesn't bother making eye contact.  I dunno if he wants me to think that he's just warming up but goddamn.

The second instance is that if I am playing (or anyond around me is playing) through a passage where he doesn't play, and I hit a wrong note, he'll pull an about-face and just stare at me and scan me, my saxophone for a good 6-7 seconds.

Third instance is after this, he within earshot, talks stuff about anyone who just made a mistake.

Turn the forget around and mind your own business.

What's wrong with quiet people? They just don't want to disturb people and yet, somehow, they do.


will explain later

There's this friend I have who also deals weed, but badly since he overprices less than decent quality stuff.
He knows that I smoke, so he decided to show me his ziplock loving full of it during gymclass in the dressing room.
The ziplock was like twice the size of his head and iDK how he fit it in his bag nor how he got it without an income other than dealing bad weed.

Why does he bring that much illegal weed into school and then decides to show it to people? He claimed he only showed it to me, but when I was talking about it in my friend circle they claimed they were also shown the stuff.

This guy is like 15 too, so he's far from 18, which is the legal age for smoking weed. He also doesn't have a license to sell.
So this story probably wont last long if he keeps showing his stuff like that.

A few years ago, there was this kid talking to us. I don't remember much of this other than what he did became a running joke even today.
Somehow the talk about richardsize happened, and this kid decided to tell first. He grabbed his iPod, and proudly claimed that the length of his 8 cm iPod was his richard erect. Since that day, gesturing a size with your fingers averagely 8 cm is a running joke in our friend circle, along with just mentioning his name when anything about measurement is a topic.

In one of the first years of my highschool trials, there was this kid named Flip. That was literally his name, and loving a, did he live up to it. He eventually got suspended because he flipped out so often that he at one point smashed a student's laptop. I wish I was there to see the magnificent Flip myself, but sadly I only got to hear the story.