Author Topic: the therapy thread  (Read 1698 times)

Lol at the rusty pipe part. You really don't want to bust their heads open, and you know that, and I know it, and so does everybody else. There's people actually think like that, and I'm sure as hell they wouldn't act like this about it.

       Though here is the real problem, I of course get bullied because of what I like and they annoy me always saying "Oh don't bother with him he plays MINECRAFT now let's go listen to terrible music" they also tend to bully me because I'm Mexican and because of my opinions, I don't ledge allegiance everyday in the morning because it wastes my precious time on my work but that doesn't mean I don't have respect for this country and the dead. I really don't like to eat corn,cornbread, and kettle corn, I like guns and well you can guess why they make fun of me even though they themselves use them for hunting, I don't agree with any of these Repblicans or democrats at this moment, I don't like zoos aquariams and circuses because of the animals, and that's it they always bother me about it to the point to where I want to kill them slowly and painfully with a rusty metal pipe and watch with glee as their loving skulls are in pieces, chop them up and sell it as a meat on the black market. They always complain about stupid stuff like how their mums didn't shape their sandwhich in a heart shape, or that  hey didn't get their FICKING chicken biscuits and saying "I'm so broke" they ones that complain about not getting their fill of chikfale I want to kidnap and shove their faces in nothing but the God damn chicken biscuits and force feed them and watch as they cry because of how plump they become.  A lot of them get bored from learning about other countries and just go on with their lives always being ignorant and not knowing what is going on in a certain African country. Some I fear will beome kool kids klub members
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 02:21:27 PM by Decepticon »

I still have yet to see anyone read my second post

the color yellow makes me sad.

my therapist was a rapist
I should've known by the name