Author Topic: Work for ARES! Get Paid!  (Read 1767 times)

So we're working on a 40k co-op campaign and we realized that we are lacking two weapons that were never made in the 40k pack, a Shotgun and a Heavy Stubber (machine gun). Since the original creator is no longer able to continue his work, we turn to you, the community, to make these guns for us. There will be money involved.

What we need is a gun that looks like this

and this

Stylized and proportioned like these
(download here)

We've considered using T+T as a close substitute however they're far too powerful for what we want them to do.

If you're willing to help out, hit me up on steam.

Steamid: LordImperialComr4de
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 05:21:02 PM by comr4de »

Hitting you up right now

One footnote; the stubber needs to force the player to stand still while shooting, wihout entering a "deployed" anim. In otherwords, while the trigger is being held down, the player cannot move. But when you let go of the trigger, you can immediately move normally.

bug me on IRC if you need some scripting