Author Topic: [BETA][Looking for Builders!] DM: SuperPowered  (Read 2451 times)

I just added a shop system! It's accessed through the /buy command. You can spend souls there, which you get one of on every kill. Currently, the only thing you can get there is speedboosts. Remember, this is only for one life! I'd also like to remind everyone that we are constantly accepting new class ideas, and currently I'm working on the suggestion of a 'Bezerker' class. You can also suggest shop items if you like.

IGN: Nicepoint
BL_ID: 25816
Skills: I am very creative, good at eventing and building. I also know a bit of VCE and eval.
Time zone: Finland
Why should I be accepted: I can moderate the server and make additional maps to the cycle.
Previous Experience:
Not too much I'm afraid.

Super Admin:
c[_]'s server
Partytor's server

TheHellspy's server
Connorb's server

Things im good at: I'm good at eventing and building.

You're excepted, although on a trial. It seems like that's happening to a lot of people, so no worries.

I'm finishing up designing a new class, and I currently have ideas for two more. I'll be hosting within an hour.
Edit: Make that two classes. I'm starting the server now.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 11:04:33 PM by Johnny Blockhead »

I'm not sure if I can come to the trial until weekend, but ill try to join earlier.

Congratulations for Vonski, at being cool enough for me to Admin him. He's been on a silent trial for a few days.
Anyways, he's built this as a blueprint for an upcoming map, so get excited! I'm hosting the old one right now.

pretty good for an autistic person who hates the game!

but yeah i look it, i might try and help out
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 09:27:26 PM by Hawt »

Well, to be honest past dramas don't matter that much to me. In the time I have spent with Von, he's been able to show himself as more then capable, and also skilled. I would not have suspected him of any drama topics before you pointed it out. He does not act like this on the server, and if he does believe me his administrative tale will be over quick. But if he is able to perform his job, especially better then everyone else, it honest to god doesn't matter.
Also rule seven.

I'm hosting, I added two new classes: Breath, and Chance.
Come on and check them out!
Edit: Visolator has been added to the team!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 03:19:56 PM by Johnny Blockhead »

I visited the server. Probably one of the best DMs so far. It was pretty unique and I had a lot of fun (when I was Chance and got Kamikazi 4 times in a row). However, you could at least make boundries for the map. For instance, it's annoying as Flight when I fly out of the map :P. To add on, you can also use different maps. Even though you're probably making new ones, I dislike the current dam map. The blueprints that Vonski made looks fun (except for the lava. forget lava.) but a bit open. You can maybe add a few mountains/volcanoes so it isn't as open.

I currently have a map changer, which includes a voter (it finds all the maps inside a saves folder) and lists them to vote. Most votes on that map will change it unless it is already that map.

Is the server gonna be on weekend, cause I haven't had the chance to go to trial and see the theme of the maps.

Is the server gonna be on weekend, cause I haven't had the chance to go to trial and see the theme of the maps.
It's currently 24/7.

Also, current plans!
Lonely bots - Need extra players to play? Don't worry! Bots will be a replacement based on the playercount. If there are less than 4 people, bots will fill in those spots until more than 4 players are playing in the minigame. Just to let you know bots do not give you much prizes as a player would. Bots will randomize in classes as well.
New and easier class system - For scripting, the class system will become easier. Such as setting basic health, datablock, speed factor, weapons, custom onClass functions like onTrigger and onSelected and the light function.
Map Changer (Have not discussed yet) - Currently there is no map changer on the server. The current one I have made uses a vote system to change a map based on the vote count. It will discover maps in a saves folder area and puts them onto a list you can vote from, the code does all the work while you can just add maps!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 02:30:28 AM by Advanced Bot »

teleportation power should do /checkpoint when you right click
furthermore, when you press the light key and you don't have a checkpoint, don't make it use up a goddamned teleport so you gotta wait a bajillion seconds
just make it fail with the message - 'right click to set a teleport point!'

flight and superspeed felt very similar - flight doesn't actually fly, it sort of hops, and the right click launch was not very satisfying. try using setRelativeVelocity, instead of whatever you're using now, so you can launch yourself into the air. try modifying siba's noclip mod into the light-key flight manuever. that'd be pretty snazzy, ESPECIALLY IF THERE WAS TREES AND stuff YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND (think great deku tree)

superspeed should probably not make you die when you run into a wall, or better yet, make more open areas so you can run the hell around. best currently is the dam. that's not enough.

i'm not sold on the water feature - most of the fighting and movement will undoubtedly happen around the edges, making the water feature a big fat blank space you can't go into tactically
may as well just have a hole there... or better yet, put some islands in the middle.

every single power needs to display how much time before you can use the light power again when you use the light power, when you try to use the light power when it's on a timeout (press r to teleport, then press r again - displays time. good. do that for all of them)

chance is a nifty power, but the crossbow turret i placed my first round on the server was still there two rounds later.

rounds felt like they might be too long, but i was playing without any actual fighting going on. that might be moot.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 02:29:47 AM by Lugnut »

teleportation power should do /checkpoint when you right click I actually added this.
furthermore, when you press the light key and you don't have a checkpoint, don't make it use up a goddamned teleport so you gotta wait a bajillion seconds
just make it fail with the message - 'right click to set a teleport point!'
I'll look into it!

flight and superspeed felt very similar - flight doesn't actually fly, it sort of hops, and the right click launch was not very satisfying. try using setRelativeVelocity, instead of whatever you're using now, so you can launch yourself into the air. I actually am using relative velocity, I'm not sure what you mean. Flight used to be like noclip, but it was extremely OP and not fun to play against. try modifying siba's noclip mod into the light-key flight manuever. that'd be pretty snazzy, ESPECIALLY IF THERE WAS TREES AND stuff YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND (think great deku tree)
Trees and other various cover sound good. Currently you can already hide behind the cubes and stuff

superspeed should probably not make you die when you run into a wall, or better yet, make more open areas so you can run the hell around. best currently is the dam. that's not enough.
We're working on making a new, more open map. Also impact damage shouldn't be on, blame whoever is setting up the minigame.

i'm not sold on the water feature - most of the fighting and movement will undoubtedly happen around the edges, making the water feature a big fat blank space you can't go into tactically
may as well just have a hole there... or better yet, put some islands in the middle.

every single power needs to display how much time before you can use the light power again when you use the light power, when you try to use the light power when it's on a timeout (press r to teleport, then press r again - displays time. good. do that for all of them)
I tried to do this earlier in the mod, but it went crazy at the higher cooldowns and displayed negative values. Maybe Visolator can look into it.

chance is a nifty power, but the crossbow turret i placed my first round on the server was still there two rounds later.
yep, this has been screwed up for a while. i'll remove it from the rotation when i can

rounds felt like they might be too long, but i was playing without any actual fighting going on. that might be moot.
Rounds are basically whoever gets to ten kills first. Trust me, they go quick with a sizable amount of players on.

I might also add boundary checks. If you are too high you can't use any power (this is based on how far you are from where you have spawned, but it is a very long distance). If you are too far you will just explode.