Author Topic: Jade Helm 15 - Thoughts?  (Read 515 times)

Jade Helm 15 is a mass military exercise being conducted in 7 states. It is rumored to be the first sign of Agenda 21, a UN assigned agenda that allows for the elimination of the middle class by mass death. There have been multiple occasions of leaks, rumors and as well systematic secrecy that have made this into a huge scare.

The 7 states are:
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.

If you have heard about this, what are your thoughts on it? Otherwise, do your research before posting.

This thread is an excellent example of what can happen when you spend too much time reading cnn.

This thread is an excellent example of what can happen when you spend too much time reading cnn.
cnn is bullstuff, I have little to no support for the conspiracy theories.

Is it bad that I want to know what people think?

cnn is bullstuff, I have little to no support for the conspiracy theories.

Is it bad that I want to know what people think?
I'm sorry, but anything involving the "mass death of the middle class" has to be a conspiracy theory.

Anyway, the UN doesn't have control over sovereign states, so consider your theory debunked from the start.

I'm sorry, but anything involving the "mass death of the middle class" has to be a conspiracy theory.

Anyway, the UN doesn't have control over sovereign states, so consider your theory debunked from the start.
It's not my theory, it's stuff that a bunch of people thought up.