Author Topic: What car should be my first?  (Read 4086 times)

yo setro you should get a miata

reformed criteria:
-good mpg
-4 seats
-bluetooth and fancy stuff (futuristic)
-lovey in/exterior
-not $1,000,000

4 seats uh oh setro is gonna reproduce

Sadly toyota trucks are more american than chevy, ford, and ram

Well I mean Ram is owned by Fiat and Ford has a heavy European market that keeps sneaking into our borders.

name one thing a miata can not do
Look unhappy while on fire

Sadly toyota trucks are more american than chevy, ford, and ram


yo setro you should get a miata

stuff you beat me to it

buy a 1993 mazda miata mx-5 with 0-50 thousand miles on it, it also must have been waxed every 3 days since it came out of the dealership. if theres any microscopic scratches or chips on it, beat up whoever is trying to sell it to you, take their wallet, and use their money to buy it then ram it into their house, then beat the dealer up again and take the money he got from insurance. then repeat from step 1.

Sadly toyota trucks are more american than chevy, ford, and ram

stop openly communicating

setro get a real mans car, third gen a-body Chevy. They are cheap!


get a car that can carry people and loads.

Like, an SUV. Or a truck.

Its pointless to get a small car that only seats two people, only possible use is to drive a single passenger.