Author Topic: Anime Add-ons [FIX THIS stuff]  (Read 59239 times)

jesus christ why is bumping add ons a bad thing
what if someone didn't see this and wanted to download something anime related

Nothing new was added to the add-on since the last time it was posted to.  If someone wanted an anime-related add-on, they could search for it.  It's better not to clutter up the front page with add-ons that are no longer highly visited.

If a topic wasn't recently pushed off the front page or wasn't updated, there isn't much of a reason to have it still up.

touhou ISN'T loving ANIME
but it's good

Nothing new was added to the add-on since the last time it was posted to.  If someone wanted an anime-related add-on, they could search for it.  It's better not to clutter up the front page with add-ons that are no longer highly visited.

If a topic wasn't recently pushed off the front page or wasn't updated, there isn't much of a reason to have it still up.
Stop being so brown town about it, people can bump topics if they want to.
The most popular addons should not be hoarding the main page anyways.

I agree though we do need some jojo stuff.
But we also need some Fist of the North Star stuff as well, like Weapon_Atatatatata

Stop being so brown town about it, people can bump topics if they want to.
The most popular addons should not be hoarding the main page anyways.

People can damn well do what they want to.  People can spam emotes if they want to, and yet we tell them not to do that, because it's stupid and a waste of our mental processing.

And in case you haven't noticed, there's no such thing as "popular addons", by which you mean (I assume) addon topics that stay on the first page without fresh updates.  All threads die eventually, just like this one should have.  If any addon thread ever stays on the front page for any significant chunk of time, it is because it is alive.  Work is still going on.  The main purpose of an addon thread is to release the addon to the forums.  People can then suggest stuff, which may or may not be added to the living addon.  If an addon thread is dead, stuff won't be added, and so suggestions/requests would be, by definition, useless and pointless, making the thread useless and pointless.

Once an addon is posted, and no more stuff is added to it, then it should become impossible to reply to so we can keep new, fresh, and living addons on the front page.  This is expressly why topics become "too old".
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 11:44:46 PM by Gen. Hothauser »

The touhou models are great, but i didn't this was necessary. As far as i know there aren't alot of anime/manga fans in Blockland, But eh. who cares.

oh man! i just love how it crashes my server

oh man! i just love how it crashes my server
isn't it just the greatest

touhou ISN'T loving ANIME
but it's good
I said it on the first page, you slow.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 09:12:02 AM by Pompmaker2 »

There's a problem with the playertypes which I don't know how to fix. Animations will not work for anyone besides the host, which is weird. It's not an issue with either the code or the model, because I redid both and it still doesn't work. I'm trying to solve this before making anything else, so if someone could help me it would be much appreciated for the sake of the thread.
Spreading this here because modification help doesn't get much attention

Add some sgt. Frog characters