Author Topic: wow im scared of the wrench events  (Read 1290 times)

someone made a button on my server which makes blockland crash and says your gay at the bottom!!!>!>!>!>

Makes blockland crash? how?

when will crashers learn, that we don't care if Benefit is gay

LOL @ Bisjac

tails i dont know just like 40 events on the player and cilent ..

If you have it saved, load it up, destroy everything but that brick, then save it again. Send this save off to Badspot.

i cant bl crashed so i had to start the server again and didn't get a chance to save.

With everything function heavy like Wrench Events, there's always the possibility of abuse. Even in RTB people would make events that spun a thousand 1x1s into oblivion and crashed servers.

Still, it's a serious flaw.

I did it to myself on a v9 test.  If you make it use all the functions, and client-based message LOL UR GHAY event, then it'll crash.  It's just all the functions.  Another thing you can do is have one brick, that when activated, makes a TON of bricks behind it have explosions happen on them, Activate, Then you'll have mass laggage.   :cookieMonster:  Trial and error motherBOINKer.