Author Topic: Steve Jobs - The Movie  (Read 673 times)

So a Steve Jobs movie is a thing.


« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 09:57:45 AM by Duck Quackington »

thanks for linking to the source and other websites explaining more about this movie

I'm glad I understand EXACTLY what this movie is about, now.

How many are there now?


loving Jobs cant even Steve correctly

aka the movie that praises a dead hipster for making crappy dumbed products while undermining the achievements of Dennis Ritchie.

aka the movie that praises a dead hipster for making crappy dumbed products while undermining the achievements of Dennis Ritchie.

5 to be exact
i thought there were like 3 or 2

aka the movie that praises a dead hipster for making crappy dumbed products while undermining the achievements of Dennis Ritchie.

One of them(Or is this one)has had one of the crew go on a fruit only diet like steve jobs and also got pancreas problems/cancer like him.

I liked Pirates of the Silicon Valley better.