Author Topic: Old Squid Yells at Cloud (angry ranty)  (Read 3028 times)

hipsters more like
no hopesters

Source Filmmaker. Maybe.
Either way, holy stuff, that rant...
jesus man

forget all this "open-source"
hey bub
there's nothing wrong with that. literally not a single thing
like, imagine if animals were computer software. dogs and cats and everything else that's cute would be open-source stuff, and proprietary stuff would be like, it wouldn't even be animals, because I can't think of any animals that wouldn't compliment it in some way. it would be like, rocks and stuff. but not cool rocks. boring rocks

because this is the rant thread, i'm going to say something which will make the hipster spill their organic coffee;

linux sucks for everyday desktop usage, it's only good for servers, that's about it.
stop using it for your daily tasks, stop trying to be a special snowflake by using a operating system which a very low amount of people use and a very small amount of programs support.
windows 10 isn't bad, the "spyware" is for error reporting, that's loving it, if it was harvesting your precious anime waifu research, then what's the chance they'll view your computer out of the millions of others?
i would join your concrete hole in sibera squiddey, but i like modern web page designs.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 07:49:53 AM by Refticus »

linux sucks for everyday desktop usage, it's only good for servers, that's about it.
have you ever used it?

live the rest of my life in a concrete hole in Siberia.
Basara.... deshi..... deshi.... basara

have you ever used it?
yes. had to take a short class on it, hated every second of it.

stop trying to be "different" by using linux as your main OS. there's no reason not to use windows, you hipster twat. there's no compatibility. there's nothing. sometimes it's just loving text and that's it. it doesn't make you cool. it doesn't make you interesting. it makes you a wanker.

The indie game community makes me want to hang myself from the over-saturated happy-go-lucky attitude.[/b]
Removing yourself from the gene pool would be the easiest solution to this problem and the most preferable for everybody.

The only sort of indie game developer attitude that I despise is those kinda starfishs who believe "Every idea is a masterpiece" and that any criticism is basically a personal attack and their game is good no matter what.

Steam Greenlight's abhorrent lack of quality control really feeds this cancerous line of thought, what with those immature devs who delete criticism and throw tantrums when their game doesn't sell well. I hate to say it, but unity also fuels these devs and their stuff because it's easy now to just make copy and paste low-effort games using community assets. My rule of thumb is that if a game uses community assets as anything other than a placeholder, then tread lightly, that game's probably stuff.

If you want to sell your game, make it worth buying for forgets sake. I don't care if games are art, there's such a thing as bad art and it ruins the whole experience.

yes. had to take a short class on it, hated every second of it.
what are the problems?
there's no reason not to use windows, you hipster twat.
there are plenty of reasons, including money. most of the reasons are probably over your head, though

The only sort of indie game developer attitude that I despise is those kinda starfishs who believe "Every idea is a masterpiece" and that any criticism is basically a personal attack and their game is good no matter what.
Ah yes, Phil Fish.

actually im convinced those people straight up do not exist and its just a strawman

like theres a difference between 'delusional and unaware their game is stuff' and 'deliberately playing a system that has been damaged by various external means to get their stuff game into the hands of customers who dont know better' and im pretty sure the majority of these kinds of people are the latter

if they do exist then they're definitely a minority, the scant few people ive met who did not realize their stuff games were stuff were like total outsiders to the indie community just trying to make a quick buck off of a poor understanding of everything and figured 'well if i just make an indie game then i'll get the indie bucks!' and werent really 'devs' in any sense

most of the reasons are probably over your head, though
Placing yourself above anyone else you talk to. Very Linux of you.