Author Topic: Why Wont my addons work?  (Read 3110 times)

Ignore my previous post. I'm blind.

In your console.log, you joined a server, didn't start your own.

Code: [Select]
Connecting to "TheBlackParrot's Falling Platforms" (, 68ms)
  Download Sounds:      False
  Download Music:       False
  Download Textures:    False

Please create your own server and copy and paste everything from the console.

I meant from that section mL


Usually what I did to get my L4D guns is I pulled all the guns out of the zip folder onto my desktop, then I dragged the gun into the add on folder.

Usually what I did to get my L4D guns is I pulled all the guns out of the zip folder onto my desktop, then I dragged the gun into the add on folder.
but that doesn't work
you never extract or do anything to the zip, you only move it into the add-ons folder.

It's to make it so people don't edit their post to make it blank saying that it is fixed, something alone those lines.

Please create your own server and copy and paste everything from the console.
Why? He can attach the console.log on a post.

but that doesn't work
you never extract or do anything to the zip, you only move it into the add-ons folder.
unless it's a .zip of .zips

Thx Everyone that Helped i have found A way to fix it im good now :cookieMonster: :cookie:

Thx Everyone that Helped i have found A way to fix it im good now :cookieMonster: :cookie:
Post the solution

Oh All i did Was Found a Windows PC And addons Worked So that's all i did