Author Topic: Shock's - /return Cmd; Playtime (Logging); Wrench Highlighting PSA  (Read 2286 times)


/return Command

With this admin-only command, you can return a player or yourself to a previous position.

Previous positions include: before being /fetch'ed, before using /find, before death, before using F7 teleport and before using /return (perpetual returning!)

The command is: /return [name]


Playtime (Logging)

Logs all users' playtimes from the moment they first spawn in the server.
If you want it to start logging their playtime from the moment they get on the loading screen, you'll have to effortlessly change a pref in the server.cs

The command is: /playtime [name]

Developers: Total and session playtimes can be accessed via %client.getTotalPlaytime() and %client.getSessionPlaytime() - they both return %days %hours %minutes %seconds played. %client.getLastPlayed() returns %date %time since last join.


Wrench Highlighting

If you are a user of Wrench Highlighting and did not download it from Blockland Glass, please download it again below. The version on BLG solves two issues regarding the coloring of custom vehicle spawn bricks, event sending not applying the color and also includes future update support.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 08:42:16 PM by Crazycom »

Nice. I like the playtime.

The return command is so useful.

I wonder if a general statistics add-on could be made
for players it would include things like playtime, but also things like the amount of times they've died, or the amount of times they said something in chat
then there's other statistics about other things like bricks, tools, etc
and it's all saved to the server so it never resets

Your playtime record thing is very glitched. I got this yesturday and it says someone has played on my server for 49 days. It also sometimes resets your playing session and how much time you have played total.

It's really good, just could you possibly fix those couple things?

Your playtime record thing is very glitched. I got this yesturday and it says someone has played on my server for 49 days. It also sometimes resets your playing session and how much time you have played total.

It's really good, just could you possibly fix those couple things?

Can you PM me that player's playtime data? You can find it in config/server/playtime if you haven't changed the default path.
As for the playtime save issue, did you change any preferences in the server.cs - if so, which?

I have an idea on how to fix this but it'll have to wait until tomorrow (or much later today) since it's 1:24AM and it'll take more than an hour to do + I need to sleep. Expect an update within 24 hours.

Can you PM me that player's playtime data? You can find it in config/server/playtime if you haven't changed the default path.
As for the playtime save issue, did you change any preferences in the server.cs - if so, which?

I have an idea on how to fix this but it'll have to wait until tomorrow (or much later today) since it's 1:24AM and it'll take more than an hour to do + I need to sleep. Expect an update within 24 hours.
Yea I will give you the play time data tomorrow, currently not on. Do you think for this update you could add like a:

Total time played today:

That would be helpful seeing as though we only have all together play time and a session play time, which I think only tracks the amount they were on for the one time they came on.

I wonder if a general statistics add-on could be made
for players it would include things like playtime, but also things like the amount of times they've died, or the amount of times they said something in chat
then there's other statistics about other things like bricks, tools, etc
and it's all saved to the server so it never resets
this would be better client-sided imo

Update released on BLG for Playtime (Logging).
Please update as soon as possible.

Quote from: v1.1.1
- Added check if auto save interval is 0 or below, if so - disable it.
- Added a better playtime data format.
- Added (one-time) conversion for all old playtime data to the better format; this function will disappear in a later version, update ASAP.
- Added %client.getLastPlayed().
- Added "last played: never" if a player has never actually joined beforehand instead of just displaying nothing.
- Hopefully fixed playtime data loss, was unable to reproduce error myself but changes have been made to stop the issue.
- It's 1.1.1 because apparently I uploaded an empty file on the last attempt (1.1.0)

Please notify me of any further issues.
As for the "total time played today", I don't see the practical use behind it.

Update released on BLG for Playtime (Logging).
Please update as soon as possible.

Please notify me of any further issues.
As for the "total time played today", I don't see the practical use behind it.
Awesome, hopefully this fixes the issue I was having.