Author Topic: Sir VAT!ERIAN... Claims I griefed his bots when I didn't have trust  (Read 1232 times)

I'm admin, but don't have trust to his bots. He claimed I made his bots (Not as in blockheads, just robots he built) blue, but they were evented to be blue by one of his bricks. I never had trust, so someone must have done it other than him. I did save them with ChunX at one point, but it didn't affect my events. Either someone else used his account, ChunX sucks, or he trusted someone and won't tell me.

When he rejoined, he told me to stop talking every time I said something for a while, saying he was tired of my abuse. (In which case, he should just leave.)

I gave him admin so he could save (we were the only ones on the server, so it's not like he would go on a banning spree) and he decided it was time to build a nakedbot. I told him the server was for kids too. He ignored me. Still trying to get him to save and go to singleplayer or tell me he's not going to, he says he wants to build and I'm saying he can in singleplayer or he can not build a nakedbot and just GRRRRRRRRRR

...This is drama, I'm just raging at him, is that not the point?
He eventually did the events thing again, said "MAN **** YOU" and quit
even though he had the bots saved as color
I don't get it
he says he's 18
I kinda doubt this for some reason
I have a print screen of him cussing me out after HE failed with events or trusting someone.

he has the save, hopefully he'll notice this on singleplayer and load it and be happy
I tried my best to be nice but if he rejoins I'm done with this he's getting banned.

...This is drama, I'm just raging at him, is that not the point?
This isn't the main use of drama. You shouldn't be mad at him anyway, get over it. Just move on to another server.
Quote from: SuperSuit12
I gave him admin so he could save
This was entirely your fault.

I gave him admin so he could save
You don't need admin to save bricks

I gave him admin so he could save
did he ask first or did you give it to him immediately

Sir vaterian is a known idiot. He's just a dumb kid. Don't bother with him and just avoid him if you can, that's about all there is to it.

Just putting this out there

Don't ever give someone admin if you don't know who they are. Even if they want to save / load bricks, they can do that somewhere else because they are just greedy for it.

he came into my server asking for admin, then when I said no, he would constantly bug me about it.

I gave him admin so he could save
he played you like a damn fiddle

Sir VAT!ERIAN joined my server, he kept building without a base plate no matter how many times I told him.


Naw, I gave it to him, he didn't ask. I wondered if he was a known annoying player. There was nobody else, so it wasn't like he could ban anyone.

you just told us you gave a random dude admin
and hes a well known annoying handicap
i see that op is to be blamed here