Author Topic: Uladi - Multiclienting  (Read 5230 times)

But it's his own server, Is he or is he not allowed to do it on his own server or is it against the rules? By the way this is a question.

But it's his own server, Is he or is he not allowed to do it on his own server or is it against the rules? By the way this is a question.
I think it is acceptable to a certain extent, but if Uladi does it on another player's server or spams them all there, then it would be bannable

I think multiclienting should only revoke if its purpose is to hurt a server. Wildwill's group actually plays, uladi is just a richard taking up server space.

/neutral because idk how this is regularly handled.
yeah but there's a difference between opening a bunch of blocklands just to have the playerlist go up and giving out your key to other people to play. Even if Wildwill isn't doing anything malicious, isn't it bannable because he's sharing his key with 3 other people?

yeah but there's a difference between opening a bunch of blocklands just to have the playerlist go up and giving out your key to other people to play. Even if Wildwill isn't doing anything malicious, isn't it bannable because he's sharing his key with 3 other people?
Seems like he leaves exceptions for those in the same house like with siblings.

Seems like he leaves exceptions for those in the same house like with siblings.
It's not "seems like"
It's specifically mentioned in the FAQ:
Q: Can you use one key for multiple people?
A: One key can be used for any number of people as long as they are using the same name and are at the same IP address (ie in the same house).

Clan tags can be used to distinguish different people with the same name.

but is it wildwill's siblings???

but is it wildwill's siblings???
Actually earlier on PE, I saw him moving each client one at a time.

Actually earlier on PE, I saw him moving each client one at a time.
I saw him and 3 other Wildwill's moving all at the same time on Trench War

but is it wildwill's siblings???
Doesn't have to be if their in the same house.

I love the wildwill possie
it's like I'll be playing a server and I see one of them join and in my head I imagine a scout for an army that is about to invade an army and suddenly... It happens

No edit
I forgeted that post up cause mobile and half asleep in bed but I love wildwill lol

Uladi is deliberately misleading people looking for servers
No misleading here.

The server says "Multiclient party."

How does anyone actually have a problem with this? One occasional server of some guy messing around isn't going to have any negative effect on the master server. Sure, it boosts him to the top, but if you join thinking it's some good, popular server, that is entirely your fault for not paying attention to title. It's not like this is a blatant attempt at getting players on his, because the title clearly states what's going on and from shady I can tell there's nothing there to keep players.

If you actually think this negatively affects you in any noticeable way, then I think you're just trying to find a reason to complain about something.

If you actually think this negatively affects you in any noticeable way, then I think you're just trying to find a reason to complain about something.
Yeah a lot of people seem to have this problem