Author Topic: kahnu - ama  (Read 489 times)

ask me anything im bored as forget
i saw shamelessster doing this and i thought it'd be entertaining for about 20 minutes

why are you doing an AMA when there are very few people on the forums

why are you doing an AMA when there are very few people on the forums

im bored brosef

Are you gay?
Are you a neo national socialist?
Is Addie your god?

Favorite song and/or singer?

How much do you charge?
9.95 shipping included

Favorite song and/or singer?
take the veil cerpin tax - the mars volta

Are you gay?
Are you a neo national socialist?
Is Addie your god?


1) Why did you choose to have a polandball avatar?
2) Favorite color? (Hint, there is a wrong answer.)
3) Why do an AMA when you know someone will ask weird questions around the 6th or 7th question?
4) Do you take the Blockland forums seriously?
5) If so, why?
6) Would you bang PieCrust's avatar?Just kidding with him Pie, please don't hate me.
7) If so, why?
8) If you give an honest opinion why, why?
9) Do you regret making an AMA?
10) If so, why?
11) Coca Cola or Pepsi?
12) On a daily basis, how many times do you view the forums?
13) Are you seriously that bored?
14) How long do you think it took me to write these questions?
15) If it's a number above ten minutes, why?
16) Do you consider yourself sane?
17) If not, why?
18) Do dead people talk to you?
19) If so, have you called the Ghostbusters?
20) If so, did they respond to your call?
21) Did you find how much they charge per night?
22) Could you also leave their phone number?
23) How many of these questions did you even bother answering?
24) Is Avatar: The Last Airbender an Anime or a Cartoon?
25) Do you regret making an AMA?
26) If so, why?

Why are you a big meanie and steal my AMA joke where I answer questions during stuffty situations except this time you didn't even have a stuffty situation to go with it just your name

why are you this guy
hilarious 10/10 quality post good stuff 👌👌👌

Why did you name yourself kahnu?