Author Topic: Dezcaban and Dogerium, 100201 & 8762  (Read 2690 times)

i have to make due with a stuffty slow pc and a mousepad dont hate me


more master prankster images

"Pleabian you have flu" might be one of the most random but hilarious insults i've seen in a long time, if I'm reading it in context properly

"Pleabian you have flu" might be one of the most random but hilarious insults i've seen in a long time, if I'm reading it in context properly
Flying Llama Unicorn

simply saying that someone deleted your house doesn't mean anyone actually did. we banned you from the server because you're a problem user and we deleted your bricks because we assumed you weren't coming back. the "don't swear, don't grief, stop" ban happened about an hour after this. don't lie bro

"Pleabian you have flu" might be one of the most random but hilarious insults i've seen in a long time, if I'm reading it in context properly
also patton, she wanted me to be sick in-game so i went with it. it wasn't an insult lol

just being a furry baits people

User was banned for this post

figured I'd leave this here lol

Isn't dezcaban the user known as Drunk Russian? If so, it wouldnt surprise me that he would do then then. hes had the reputation of being a stufflord in numerous occasions for many years and him doing this just shows how much his stupidity has increased and how his IQ lowered.
dezcaban in the past had a forum account named winRaR, i believe

and before that he did have an account named dezcaban

those forum accounts were all banned at some point (very likely) so that's interesting to note

Dez has always been a jerk so this doesn't surprise me.

wasnt dezcaban asablief or something
correct me if i'm wrong but i didnt think he still played

wasnt dezcaban asablief or something
correct me if i'm wrong but i didnt think he still played
woww i remember this
and wasn't asablief someone else too?

The memes aren't dank with this one.

woww i remember this
and wasn't asablief someone else too?
asablief was rookie

and who was rookie?
rookie was rookie
held id 1234
he was a bit of a douchebag from what i remember